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Benefits of Our Products


To the Beverage Company/Bottler/Distributor:

Increased case sales supported by documented case studies;

Increased market share generated by high consumer impact and brand awareness;

Superior product delivery at ideal temperature, hot or cold;

Unique "Walking Talking Billboards" maximize the marketing opportunity for unprecedented consumer impact and brand recognition/retention;

Cost/beneficial supported by documented case studies;

Product line includes only backpack systems tested and approved by the major beverage companies;

A proven track record with a 16 year history of product innovation and development coupled with outstanding service and customer support;

Satisfied customers!

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To the Concessionaire/Vendor:

Increased case sales supported by documented case studies;

Increased "per caps" supported by documented case studies;

Superior product delivery at ideal temperature, hot or cold

Cost/beneficial supported by documented case studies;

Ergonomically designed to enable the vendor to sell faster and for longer periods of time with less fatigue and injury;

Satisfied customers!

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To the End Consumer:

Highest quality of beverage delivery;

Unique, high-tech, state-of-the-art purchasing experience - what we refer to as "The ThirstEnders Experience"

Overall customer satisfaction!

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General Overview

We believe this summary of the benefits of our products demonstrates why we boldly state: "Welcome to the Future of Beverage Marketing!"

No one can resist the kind offer of a satisfying beverage. And when it comes from one of ThirstEnders' backpack delivery systems, people just can't say no. ThirstEnders' backpack delivery systems are revolutionary portable beverage marketing systems that can be comfortably worn, allowing the wearer to serve beverages, food and consumer products, literally anywhere thirsty people gather.

Since our introduction at the 1988 Winter Olympics, leading beverage manufacturers and beverage concessionaires have chosen ThirstEnders' backpack systems for superior service, higher quality beverages, and more profits. We are the only provider of backpack systems that have been formally tested and approved by the major beverage companies, including: Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Anheuser-Busch, Procter & Gamble, Kraft General Foods and others.

Our "walking, talking billboards" provide superior visibility, high consumer impact, instant brand identification and recall. Each backpack offers up to 3 square feet of signage for your beverage logo or other advertising. This makes our backpack systems a powerful tool for beverage promotion, sampling and events marketing. Fully supported with mobile support systems designed to properly prepare beverages for distribution our systems provide complete solutions for mobile or remote distribution programs.

Check us out! Look at where our products are being used (ThirstEnders' Venues) and see what our customers are saying about us (Satisfied Customers)! Because if you are a beverage manufacturer or a concessionaire you will be using one of our systems. If not today, if not tomorrow, then someday soon - because we are the Future of Beverage Marketing...Today!

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 About our Imitators

    To make an informed decision about your purchase, let us help you identify our proven quality from the claims of our imitators. We are confident that when you compare our imitators and their products with ThirstEnders and our products, you will select ThirstEnders. Therefore, we suggest you ask our imitators the following questions:

Have any of your packs been tested and approved by Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola or Anheuser-Busch?

ThirstEnders' Response: Yes! This is an expensive, time consuming and demanding process. These companies demand quality, suitability and durability. To our knowledge, none of our imitators have even attempted to receive these certifications.

Further, our packs have been continuously re-designed and developed based on over 16 years of field testing and operations. These designs are patent protected and represent the highest backpack technology available.

Please give me five satisfied customer references?

ThirstEnders' Response: By clicking on Satisfied Customers, you will find several of our very satisfied customers' comments. Want more? Give us a call.

By the way, we've done business with some of the customers listed by our imitators. Don't just get those references - make sure you talk to them.

What major venues are currently using your packs?

ThirstEnders' Response: Simply click on ThirstEnders Venues to find venues and special events which are using or have used ThirstEnders products. Want more? Give us a call.

By the way, you may find some of the same venues listed by our imitators on our list of venues. Call and find out whose beverage backpack systems they prefer!

Your packs are cheaper than ThirstEnders, how can they be as good?

ThirstEnders' Response: They're not. True, our imitators packs are cheaper, but the reasons are obvious even upon a cursory inspection. Perhaps the biggest differences are the quality of (1) our state-of-the-art backpack harnessing, (2) our insulation materials, (3) the strong and durable materials used throughout the construction of the beverage backpack systems, and (4) engineering design developed over 16 years of experience.

If your goals include serving the highest quality drink to your end consumer, maximizing sales by enabling your vendor to sell longer with less fatigue and risk of injury, maximizing consumer impact or obtaining the highest benefit from your purchase, our beverage backpack systems deliver superior results. Want more details? Give us a call.

What are your customer service capabilities, guarantees and warranties?

ThirstEnders Response: Generally, ThirstEnders extends a two-year limited warranty on its products for defective parts and workmanship with certain exceptions for consumables. However, our reputation for doing whatever it takes to satisfy our customers provides greater comfort to our new and existing customers than any limiting written guarantees or warranties.

ThirstEnders customer support service technicians can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer questions or to express ship replacement or repair parts as needed.

In addition, ThirstEnders in-house design staff is available to design product modifications to meet your specific product requirements.

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"Jose Cuervo", "Jose Cuervo Gold" and "Smirnoff" are trademarks of United Distillers and Vintners.
"Coca-Cola", "Coca-Cola Classic" and "Coke" are trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company
"Kahlua" and "Kahluacinno" are trademarks of Allied Domecq.
"Miller" and "Miller Genuine Draft" are trademarks of the Miller Brewing Company

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